Ensure that you have installed the drivers shipped with the device before you import media from them.Still images captured using Stop Motion are not added to the organizer. After completing time-lapse capture, it can take some time for the Organizer to update and display the thumbnails for the captured files.Divx files are sometimes, not imported, and sometimes, only audio or video part of the file is imported.When capturing form HDV camcorders, you sometimes see interlace lines in the preview window, The interlace lines do not appear in the captured video.Click “OK”, and the file will import normally. When importing some Flash files, a message “Flash player has stopped potentially unsafe operation" appears.For live capture from DV camcorders, you must first disable scene detect.We recommend that you disable the screensaver before starting capture, and avoid any action that can interfere with the capture. If capture is interrupted by a system event such as switching users, locking the system, or the screensaver, the duration of the captured file is much shorter than expected.

MPEG4 video file formats, you must have QuickTime 6.5 or later installed on your computer. For Nokia phones, install the software provided with your phone.

Mobile Phones - For Adobe Premiere Elements to read content on your mobile phones in the.Flip and similar memory based camcorders.The older USB streaming format common to many DV camcorders does not support sending video in the DV format over USB, and so, is not supported in Adobe Premiere Elements. Most DV Camcorders do not currently support this driver. To connect DV camcorders using USB2 instead of FireWire, verify whether your DV camcorder supports USB Video Class 1.0 driver (also called USB over DV, DV Motion, USB 2.0 DV streaming). We recommend that you connect DV devices using FireWire/1394. DV Camcorders including miniDV camcorders.An updated list of tested devices can be found online. Adobe Premiere Elements can capture or import video from the following devices.